Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on Asia Bibi

There hasn't been a lot of talk about Asia Bibi in recent months... but Persecution Blog is reporting the following:
As you may recall, Asia has been given a death sentence under Pakistan's blasphemy law.  She is still in prison, awaiting a final decision on her life.
They have recently begun to feature prisoners who need some extra encouragement from us, their Christian brothers and sisters; and this week, they are featuring Asia Bibi. Click here to write a letter to Asia Bibi. So far, they have collected 100,427 letters (with the international responses being much higher - 3,603,316!), but they need your help! You can also alert the Pakistani government on Asia Bibi's behalf using the following information:

-Write a letter to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: ambassador@embassyofpakistanusa.org

-Write a letter to the Pakistani President: publicmail@president.gov.pk

-Write a letter to the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations: pakistan@un.int

Here are some things to keep in mind when you email the Pakistani officials:

- Be respectful (obviously).

- Do not mention politics. There is so much political turmoil going on in Pakistan, that it would only make matters worse for one to engage in that topic. Just get to your point for writing - Asia Bibi's freedom.

- If you are a believer, be sure to mention that you are praying for them. Additionally, no matter who you are, be sure to express that you understand the pressure that they are under, and that you hope they will do everything in their power to have Asia Bibi freed.

And, as I always say, if you have a blog/website, Twitter, or Facebook, please consider getting the word out about Asia Bibi -- she needs our prayers and support!

Thank you for taking a stand for your persecuted brothers and sisters around the world!

"Remember the prisoners as if chained with them--those who are mistreated--since you yourselves are in the body also." ~ Hebrews 13:3

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